08 9238 1000
Email: hillcrest.ps@education.wa.edu.au
2 Bay View Street Bayswater WA 6053
Contributions are voluntary and the funds collected are invested in our children’s education through the purchase of equipment and materials needed to conduct our educational program at Hillcrest Primary School.
Donation for Library
Donation for the Library ensures the continued replacement and addition of library books for all students.
Donation for Student Wellbeing
Student wellbeing donations ensure the wellbeing of students in need at Hillcrest Primary School. This donation will be used to provide supportive programs and resources for students at risk.
A breakdown of estimated charges for your child’s participation in incursions, excursions and other activities. Students will incur costs when they are involved in a particular activity. The amounts indicated on the schedule represent the maximum charged for scheduled activities in 2025.
A number of other charges apply to selected students only and these charges are incurred when your child participates.
Payment may be made via the student booklist or by cash or direct deposit.
If paying by cash, place it in an envelope and write Hillcrest PS P&C on the envelope and drop it in the collection box.
P&C payments can be made by Direct Deposit to:
Account Name: Hillcrest Primary School BSB: 016 363 Account No. 3408 72956
If paying by Direct Deposit please use Surname and Contribution 2025 as your reference to enable us to track your payment.