08 9238 1000
Email: hillcrest.ps@education.wa.edu.au
2 Bay View Street Bayswater WA 6053
Welcome to the Hillcrest Primary School website. Hillcrest Primary School is proudly an Independent Public School since 2020. Our specialist areas of Sustainability and Media Arts supports our vision of ‘future-focused learning’. As a school without a local intake area, we pride ourselves on being the “school of choice” for many families. Enrolments are considered and accepted based on proximity to the school and availability.
Artwork created by Jade Dolman. Jade is a past Hillcrest student who creates murals in the wider community. Her interpretation of the 4 areas of our Business Plan aligns with the school direction, and focus. We would like to thank Jade for her contribution to Hillcrest Primary School. www.jdpenangke.com/